Supporting others at Mosaic
Read Helen's story about how supporting others at Mosaic helped her finding her feet again. Being part of the puzzle
Read Chantal's story about finding a job where teamwork makes her feel part of the puzzle. A new life for me
Ever wondered what members do at Mosaic? Read Debbie's story about working in the Business and Administration Unit. Getting back on my feet
Read Petal's story about how she got help getting back to work after being in hospital. I am a renewed person
Tai works on our reception every morning, letting people into Mosaic and greeting them - you might recognise him! Read his story here. My journey back to work
Read Melat's story about getting back into work and the support she got from Mosaic. Helps me to breathe a little easier
Hear from one of our members about their journey and how volunteering has helped them find a new passion. From working at Mosaic to an employment placement
Read Mamyaka's story about how getting involved at Mosaic helped prepare her for an employment placement. I began to find my life again
Read Louise's story about getting back into the world of work with a Transitional Employment Placement. How work can turn your life around
Read Ella's inspiring story about how doing a Transitional Employment Placement with Mosaic helped her believe in herself. Doing a Transitional Employment Placement 
Hear Martin's experience of doing a Transitional Employment Placement at Mosaic. The benefits of learning
Read Joe's story about doing a Customer Services course at Mosaic. A reason to get up in the morning
Watch a video of member Patrick talking about how getting involved at Mosaic helped him on his journey back into work. I was thrown in at the deep end
Hear from one of our members share their experience dealing with a lack of crucial services through lockdown.
There is more out there that is possible
One of our members reflects on their experience during a recent trip to Magdalen Farm. Read it here.
An inspiring story from young adult, Anna, on World Youth Skills DayRead it here.
Building confidence and improving skillsOne of our young adult members, Jamell, talks about how he continues to develop his IT and social skills in the Business and Admin unit here.
Working with Pret through the pandemicOne of our employment partners is Pret, their Rising Stars programme supports people into work, read one member's experience of it here.
Louise's story: Happy to be back at Mosaic again
one of our members, Louise, talk about what she has got out of working in the Business and Administration unit at Mosaic.
Getting online with the digital inclusion projectSince our digital inclusion project started at the end of 2020 we've provided nearly 100 members with devices and supported more than 30 members to get online at home. Hear from two members who have benefitted here.
Receiving a food parcel from MosaicWe've been delivering food parcels to members who need them since March 2020, read one member's story here.
How the digital inclusion project has helped me
Read a story
from one of our members about attending a course at Mosaic on using your smartphone.
Julia's story: Facing my anxiety and getting back to workRead a story from one of our members, Julia, here.
A story from one of our young adults: Building myself up to find employment
Read a story from one of our young adult members
A few members' quotes about lockdown and reopening Mosaic
At our October board meeting members fed back their experiences of the last six months.
Find some quotes here.
Maria's Story: The Evening Sanctuary gave me time
Read Maria's story about how the Evening Sanctuary service supported her through lockdown
Anonymous Story: Giving back, being part of the Hospital In- reach project
Our Hospital In-reach project is once again visiting patients in Lambeth Hospital. Through lockdown we have kept in touch with many of the patients we supported there, who have now been discharged. Read an account by one of our members who is part of the project
Janet's Story: No internet access but not forgotten
The lockdown has highlighted the struggle of those who are unable to get online in this increasingly technological world. Read about Janet's experience and how Mosaic worked around her lack of internet access
Sarah's Story: Life under lockdown
, Sarah shares her experience of the lockdown. She talks about how she has managed to stay well and the role Mosaic Clubhouse has played in helping her.
Anonymous Story: My Coronavirus experience
to read about how the Coronavirus pandemic has affected one of our members and how Mosaic has helped them through it. We have tried our best to maintain communication and activities in these difficult times.