Become a member

Making a referral to Mosaic Clubhouse

Membership at Mosaic Clubhouse is:

  • Free for Lambeth residents
  • For 16 years and above
  • For individuals whose primary diagnosis is mental health
  • Requires a risk assessment signed by a health professional

For Individuals who live outside of Lambeth and are not supported by Lambeth can also be referred but will need to fund their membership via a personal budget to attend. Further information can be found here.

Please note Mosaic Clubhouse support individuals who have a primary mental health condition. If you do not feel you meet this criteria there are many other services out there that could help you. You can find information about other services in our help booklets or contact the information hub for more details. 


Prior to completing an Introduction form, if an individual has not visited Mosaic before we ask for them to come to a Mosaic Clubhouse tour. The purpose of the tour is so the individual can determine if they feel Mosaic is a suitable service for them. It also gives the opportunity to ask questions, meet other members and see the Clubhouse in action. Tours take place on Wednesdays at 3pm and can be booked by contacting the Mosaic Clubhouse info hub by email or phone. These Tours are also open to professionals, family members and friends. Young adult tours take place on Mondays at 3pm. 

Introduction Forms

We accept referrals from Health Care Professionals, Voluntary Organisations, Social Services, SLaM Recovery Services and self-referrals.

Following a tour, we then require an introduction form. Please ensure this form is fully complete, including a risk assessment (page 5) completed by a health professional. This can be a GP, Care Coordinator or Support Worker. Incomplete forms will NOT be processed. Completed forms should be sent to

When risk assessing new applicants for membership, we primarily consider offences committed within the previous 12 months and also, of course, the referrer's assessment that the potential member does not pose a current or continuing risk.

If you would like to know what we do with members' data, please read our privacy notice.

What happens next?

We will contact you to arrange an introduction. This is an opportunity to meet with your Engagement Worker and talk about any difficulties you are experiencing and how Mosaic Clubhouse can support you. On first joining Mosaic, you will work with an Engagement Worker to help you identify and achieve your goals. The approach will be holistic, looking at all areas of your life and connecting you with other support organisations or further afield where appropriate.

During this time as a member you can join one of our three units: Business & Administration, Cafe & Maintenance, Employment, Information and Education.
You will also have access to our social & wellbeing programme, and a variety of employment & education opportunities,  information & signposting services and the Evening Sanctuary. We also have a  young adults programme aimed at individuals aged 16-30.  If you have any worries or questions, please get in touch with the Information Hub. If you would like more information about how we keep your information please read our Privacy Policy .

Making a Referral to Evening Sanctuary

Find out everything you need to know from opening times to who can refer and how to make a referral on our Evening Sanctuary page.

Contact Us

Mosaic Clubhouse
65 Effra Road, Brixton
London, SW2 1BZ
Tel: 020 7924 9657

About Us

Mosaic Clubhouse is part of a worldwide network of clubhouses that exist to provide support and opportunities to people living with a mental health condition.

Mosaic Clubhouse is a registered charity No: 1071705. Company No: 3403522          

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