I have been a member of Mosaic since 2015. Recently, I started struggling with loneliness and isolation and also my depression, my physical health and my sleep got worse due to so many bad things happening at the same time. I did not enjoy life anymore; it felt like I was carrying a heavy load on my head and it was too much. Yet, I did not directly ask for help and kept these feelings inside struggling through on my own.
One day at Mosaic Bev invited me for a chat and told me she had noticed I was not myself. I poured out my heart and she followed up with the appropriate organizations until I got the help I needed. She also told me about the Evening Sanctuary where people can receive emotional support and always talk to someone which was what I felt I needed the most.
Since the beginning, people at the Sanctuary were welcoming, genuinely cared about my wellbeing and also helped me practical things like writing letters to help me sort out my bills, applying for grants or getting a new microwave. I learnt there is so much support out there for me which I did not know about before. Although the Sanctuary is a temporary short term help with mental health crisis, it can bring a help lasting for a long time. I feel like my load is so much lighter now and I know I am not alone. I also got the courage to finally disclose my disability to my employer which resulted in a reasonable adjustments being made at my work place, what a great relief.
My life was kind of wobbling before, but I feel now I can cope steadily and my sleep improved a lot. I am very thankful to all Mosaic staff for all their support and understanding my feelings.